~~head over heels~~



♥♥♥ 最近数人の知り合いが次々と結婚しています。♥♥♥
みんなが"head over heels!"になっています。^^♥♥♥

ところで、"head over heels!"の意味は分かりますか?

それでは、"head over heels!"を使ってみましょう。^^

when someone is head over heels it means that he or she loves intensely or that 
                                                                        he or she loves someone very much..
             Situation: Dave and Bell got married last night.
                             Ashley: Hey Carl, did you hear that Dave and Bell got married?
                             Carl (shocked): What?! Are you sure about that?! 
                             Sharen: I think Ashley is telling the truth, I heard it from Sam too.
                             Carl: Oh wow, I thought they just met last week?
                             Ashley: Yes, they really did meet just last week but those two fell in love in an instant and are
                                         head over heels with each other.
                             Carl: Wow! I thought, things like that only happen in fairy tales. Oh well, I'm happy for them, 
                                         but how come we're not invited?
                             Ashley: Don't worry last night was just a small gathering, I heard we're all invited to the
                                         official wedding. ♥♥♥
