~~third time's the charm~~



今日のスマートイングリッシュ"third time's the charm"です。^^
"third time's the charm"というのは日本語で『三度目の正直』 と同じ意味です。
それでは、"third time's the charm"を使ってみましょう。

The third time's the charm simply means the third time one tries to do something, it will work.

Situation: Mika and Lisa are talking about Tina.

Lisa: Were you able to contact Tina?
Mika: Not yet. I called her twice but she's not picking up.
Lisa: Keep trying. The third time's the charm.
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Charm~~

~~cost an arm and a leg~~



今日のスマートイングリッシュ"cost an arm and a leg"です。^^
"cost an arm and a leg"というのは日本語で『大金がかかる』 と同じ意味です。
それでは、"cost an arm and a leg"を使ってみましょう。

    To cost an arm and a leg is used informally which means to cost a lot of money.
  Situation: Louise and Mae are talking about birthday gifts.
   Louise: What would you like to receive on your birthday Mae?
   Mae: I'd like to receive a new Hermes pouch.
   Louise:  Give me a break! That will cost an arm and a leg
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Ana~~

~~catch up on(something/someone)~~


今日のスマートイングリッシュ"catch up on"です。^^
"catch up on"というのは日本語で『 ~ 遅れを取り戻すこと』 と同じ意味です。
それでは、"catch up on"を使ってみましょう。
Catch up on (someone or something) simply means to do whatever you had not time to do. 

Situation: Missy always stays up all night to study.

May: Hi Missy, let's go shopping today.
Nicki: Sorry May, I have to catch up on my sleep today.
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Nicki~~

~~stab someone in the back~~


今日のスマートイングリッシュはライカ先生が提供してくれます。今日のスマートイングリッシュ"stab someone in the back"です。^^
"stab someone in the back"というのは日本語で『人を裏切ること』 と同じ意味です。
それでは、"stab someone in the back"を使ってみましょう。
stab someone in the back simply means to betray someone.

     Situation: Jane is mad at her friend.

Kim: Hi, Jane. I heard you're mad at Izza.
Jane: Yes. I learned that she’s using my name to trick people.
Kim: Really?
Jane: Yeah, I never thought she’s going to stab me in the back.

~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Lyka~~

~~bit by bit~~



今日のスマートイングリッシュは"bit by bit"です。^^
"bit by bit"というのは日本語で『少しずつ』 と同じ意味です。
それでは、"bit by bit"を使ってみましょう。
bit by bit simply means little by little
     Situation: Cassy bought an iPhone last week.

     Mandy: I see you got a new phone, how is it?
     Cassy: I am still getting use to it, but I'll get there bit by bit.
     Mandy: I'll buy me one too if it's user friendly.

~~ring a bell~~


今日のスマートイングリッシュは"ring a bell"です。^^

"ring a bell"というのは日本語で『以前に聞いたことがある』と同じ意味です。
それでは、"ring a bell"を使ってみましょう。


   Ring a bell simply means that if a phrase or a word, especially a name, rings a bell, 
   you think you have heard it before.
   Situation: Jane is telling her friend, Lizzy, about the movie that she watched last night.

   Lizzy: Hello, Jane! I was trying to call you last night at around 8:00 pm. You were not answering. 
              What were you doing that time?
   Jane: Oh, I'm terribly sorry about that, Lizzy! I was watching a classic movie last night.
   Lizzy: I see. What movie was that?
   Jane: It's called "Sense and Sensibility." It was such a fascinating movie. Have you ever seen it?
   Lizzy: Sense and Sensibility? Hmm... Well, it doesn't ring a bell! But I'll try to watch it tomorrow.
   Jane: Great!
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Jhana~~

~~pile up~~


今日のスマートイングリッシュ"pile up"です。^^
"pile up"というのは日本語で『積み重ねる』と同じ意味です。
それでは、"pile up"を使ってみましょう。


   To pile up simply means to gather or accumulate.
Situation: Nicki and Sara are talking about their office work.

Sara: Nicki, you look busy, what's up?
Nicki: I'm working on my paperwork I don't want them to pile up.

~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Nicki~~

~~no guts, no glory~~



今日のスマートイングリッシュは"no guts, no glory"です。^^
"no guts, no glory"というのは日本語で『根性なしに栄光なし』と同じ意味です。
それでは、"no guts, no glory"を使ってみましょう。


No guts no glory simply means "if you don't have the courage to risk or try something, then you cannot win or reap any reward or benefits, either."

Situation: Nelly encourages Kelly.

Kelly: Hi Nelly! What's up?
Nelly: I have a job interview tomorrow and I don’t think I’ll take the chance, I'm so nervous.
Kelly: No guts, no glory Nelly. You should go for it and see how it goes. 
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Nhesz~~

~~tighten one's belt~~


今日のスマートイングリッシュ"tighten one's belt"です。^^
"tighten one's belt"というのは日本語で節約すると同じ意味です。
それでは、"tighten one's belt"を使ってみましょう。

tighten one's belt simply means to spend less money or to use less of something.

Situation: Jamie is inviting Mary to a trip.
Jamie: Hi Mary, come and join us, we’re going to have a summer trip next week.
Mary: No thanks, I need to tighten my belt. I’ll be paying a lot of bills this month.
John:   Oh, I see.
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Lyka~~

~~false alarm~~



今日のスマートイングリッシュ"false alarm"です。^^

"false alarm"というのは日本語で誤認警報と同じ意味です。
それでは、"false alarm"を使ってみましょう。

   false alarm simply means warning or report that is untrue.

 Situation: Phoebe received maternity dresses from friends.

 Anne: Aren't you going to wear these dresses?
 Phoebe: Not yet. 
 Anne: Why not?
 Phoebe: I received these because everyone thought I was pregnant. But, it was a false alarm.
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Mae~~