今日のスマートイングリッシュは"know someone or something like the back of one's hand"です。^^
"know someone or something like the back of one's hand"というのは
日本語で 『〈人や場所などを〉よく知っている』と同じ意味です。
それでは、"know someone or something like the back of one's hand"を使ってみましょう。
日本語で 『〈人や場所などを〉よく知っている』と同じ意味です。
それでは、"know someone or something like the back of one's hand"を使ってみましょう。
To know someone or something like the back of one's hand simply means
to be very familiar with someone or something.
Jane: What are you doing Lizzy?
Situation: Jane and Lizzy are travelling to Europe
Lizzy: I'm collecting maps of the places we are visiting in Europe.
Jane: Don't worry Lizzy, I know Europe like the back of my hand.
Lizzy: Really? That's a relief!
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Jhana~~