今日のスマートイングリッシュは"green with envy "です。^^
"green with envy "というのは日本語で『めちゃくちゃ羨ましがっている』と同じ意味です。
それでは、"green with envy "を使ってみましょう。
~~FYI~~Situation: During their English class, Lizzy got the highest score in their test and
Martha appears to be jealous.
Jane: Did you see Martha's reaction when our teacher announced our test scores?
Lizzy: Oh, no I didn't. Why? What was her reaction?
Jane: She was green with envy! I think she expected to have the highest score in our test.
Lizzy: Oh, that's too bad.
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Jhana~~