今日のスマートイングリッシュは"you can say that again"です。^^
"you can say that again"というのは日本語で『まったくそのとおりだ!』 と同じ意味です。
それでは、"you can say that again"を使ってみましょう。
~~FYI~~You can say that again is an informal expression to signify that you wholeheartedly agree with someone or
to tell someone that he or she is correct.
Situation 1: After (While) watching the news.Yoshie: I can’t believe we finally won the bid!
Tokyo will host the 2020 Olympic Games! (sounding excited)
Chris: You can say that again! I can’t believe it too.
Situation 2: Lisa and Jane are talking about the weather.
Lisa: It's so hot and humid today.
Jane: You can say that again! I can't wait for the winter.
Lisa: Me too. I miss playing in the snow.
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Chris~~