今日のスマートイングリッシュは"touch and go"です。^^
"touch and go"というのは日本語で『非常に危険』もしくは『不安定な状態』 と同じ意味です。
それでは、"touch and go"を使ってみましょう。
~~FYI~~ Touch and go simply means very dangerous.Situation: Aunt Molly was rushed to the hospital.
Kara: Hey, what happened to your Aunt?
Mara: Aunt Molly was rushed to the hospital because of severe pain in her stomach.
Her doctor advised to do the operation immediately.
Kara: Really? How was the operation?
Mara: It was really touch and go, but the operation was successful.
Kara: Good to hear that!
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Charm~~