今日のスマートイングリッシュは"pipe down"です。^^
皆さん、"pipe down"を聞いたことがありますか?
"pipe down"というのは 『静かにして下さい』 と同じ意味を持つフレーズです。
~~FYI~~"pipe down"というのは 『静かにして下さい』 と同じ意味を持つフレーズです。
それでは、"pipe down"を使ってみましょう。
Pipe down is used to tell the person to stop talking and be quiet.
Situation: Jane and Darcy are at the rehearsals of their play.
Jane: (practicing her lines) "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse
thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet."
Darcy: (the Romeo in the play) "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?"
Martha: (talking to her friend over the phone) That was really great! I didn't expect it to be that good!
I really want to visit Disneyland again and again and again!...
Jane: "'tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though....though...uhmm...though not a
Martha: (still talking to her friend) Really??! We should go there together and take a lot of pictures!!
Jane: (trying to remember her lines) "What's Montague? it is nor.. uhmm.. uhmm.. hand, nor... uhmm..
Martha: Oh! That would be a lot of fun! I wanna watch the fireworks display again! That is really cool!
Jane: "Nor arm, nor face, nor... uhmm... any other part belonging to a... a... a man." Oh Martha!
Please! We are trying to rehearse!
Darcy: She's right, Martha. Jane cannot concentrate with her lines.
Jane: Pipe down, Martha. We don't have much time.
Martha: Oh, I am really sorry Jane and Darcy. I'd better go outside...
Jane and Darcy: Thank you, Martha!
♪♪♪Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Jhana♪♪♪