今日のスマートイングリッシュは"pull someone's leg"です。
¯\(ツ)/¯"pull someone's leg"は『人をからかう』というフレーズです。^^
それでは、"pull someone's leg"を使ってみましょう。
pull someone's leg means to play a joke on someone
usually by making them believe something that is not true.
Situation: Jane is acting sad as Lizzy arrives.
Lizzy: Jane? What's happened? You look so down.Jane: I didn't make it to the drama club :(
Lizzy: Oh, that's a shame. Don't worry, you can just audition again next time.
Jane: But they're doing Romeo and Juliet in June and I want to be part of it. (sobs)
Lizzy: Oh dear me! Don't cry.
Jane: Hahaha! Got you! I'm not crying! I actually got a part in drama club!
I just tried to pull your legs! (laughs)
Lizzy: Golly! You tricked me again!
~~Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Abby~~