今日のスマートなフレーズは“keep your chin up”です。
“keep your chin up”というのは日本語で『ガンバレ』もしくは『あきらめないで~』を意味する
それでは、“keep your chin up”を使ってみましょう(^0^)
それでは、“keep your chin up”を使ってみましょう(^0^)
"keep your chin up" is an expression of encouragement to stay positive, or cheerful,
and not be discouraged even though the situation may be difficult.
It means to continue on, and look ahead.
Situation: Charice is being encouraged by her mom because she's feeling depressed.
Mom: What's the matter dear?
Charice: Mom, I am not yet finish with my project and its deadline is next week.涙
Mom: Everything is going to be all right. Keep your chin up. I know you can finish it.
Charice: Thanks for the confidence boost Mom. I just get so depressed when I think of the deadline.
Mom: What's the matter dear?
Charice: Mom, I am not yet finish with my project and its deadline is next week.涙
Mom: Everything is going to be all right. Keep your chin up. I know you can finish it.
Charice: Thanks for the confidence boost Mom. I just get so depressed when I think of the deadline.
✿✿✿Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Chu✿✿✿