~~break a leg~~


今日のスマートイングリッシュは"break a leg"です。

"break a leg"というのは日本語で
それでは、"break a leg"を使ってみましょう。

         break a leg is a well-known idiom in theater which means good luck
                            It is typically said to actors and musicians before they go on stage to perform. 

Situation: Connor is an actor on a stage play for the first time and his brother Lauren is 
                with him backstage waiting for Connor to go up on stage in a minute.
Lauren: Hey Connor! Are you okay? You seem to be sweaty and shaky. You’re nervous aren’t you?
Connor: Yes. This will be my very first time to act onstage and I am really nervous! 
              I feel like I want to go home already.
Lauren: Don’t worry you’re a very good actor and I believe in you. Now go break a leg and                     
              make me proud!
Connor: Okay, wish me luck!

    [Just so you know…]
※ Nowadays, the idiomatic expression “break a leg” is not only used for actors and musicians but also to every 
   person or group who is about to do something.

♪♪♪ Today's blog entry is brought to you by Teacher Joyce♪♪♪
Let's break a leg! ^^