4月1日と言えば"April Fools Day"です。
"April Fools Day"を聞いたことがありますか?
"April Fools Day"は他国でもよく知られている日です。
それでは、"April Fools Day"を使ってみましょう。
"April Fools Day" is a day when it's okay to play practical jokes and pranks onto someone.
Situation: Sharen with the help of Ashley plays a prank on Carl on their wedding day.
Everyone: Congratulations Sharen and Carl.
Sharen & Carl: Thanks everyone.
Ashley (just came in and shouted): Carl, you can't marry Sharen. I'm pregnant with our baby.
Sharen (speechless): Slaps Carl and started to cry. 涙
Carl (in panic) : Honey, I don't know what she's talking about. Ashley, come on it's my wedding day.
Ashley and Sharen: Happy April Fools Day!
Happy April Fools Day! ^^